Work stress and its impact on the performance of administrative staff
Human resources are part of the most important components of the processes within an organization. In the UPSE, there is a socioeconomic study of the worker, developed by the Administrative Unit of Human Talent, but at present there is no characterization of their professional groups, according to psychosocial risks, since their study is under development. The objective of this work is to contribute to the development of health and psychosocial risk profiles, from the perspective of job performance. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) questionnaire was used as the main instrument to measure work stress in administrative personnel. Its function is to measure professional burnout, as well as the frequency and intensity with which burnout is suffered. This test is known as the Burnout test and is standardized for work environments. In this study we sought to measure the reliability of the answers offered, for which the Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient was used. Responses were received from 78 respondents, representing 40.6% of the total population. The responses did not reach the sample size, even though the questionnaire was sent three times. The results obtained in this research allow us to affirm that there is no presence of work stress in the administrative staff of the Santa Elena Peninsula State University. When analyzing the dimensions of the Burnout Syndrome in the studied sample, it is confirmed that there is a low level of signs of emotional fatigue.
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