
  • Christian Fernando Collaguazo Chalco Unidad Educativa Jadán
  • Richard Antonio Martínez Villegas Instituto Tecnológico Superior Sudamericano
  • Henry Paul Lata Reino Unidad Educativa Luis Monsalve Pozo



Factores protectores, adolescentes, educación, familia, desarrollo cognitivo


Currently the possibilities for an individual to prosper and obtain full happiness, feel safe, balanced is to a certain extent, proportional to the so-called "protective factors", influenced by everything that surrounds him, for this reason he focuses on knowing through a literature review of protective factors such as; the school, family, community, peer environment and the resilience that kind of influence they have on the psychological development of the adolescent, then compare the impact in each environment. In order to investigate this topic, a qualitative research was carried out, collecting and evaluating scientific data on children/adolescents, through the prism method that allowed combining a minimum of elements based on the evidence of other investigations to support the revisions of the reports. Information was obtained gradually as the individual develops, day by day he adapts to the situations that arise and also affects his upbringing, so that he builds, promotes his self-esteem, emotional state and generates a feeling of protection. that affect their growth, with patterns related to their behavior. Finally, taking into account the bibliographic findings of different authors, it is concluded that the contexts repeatedly intervene in their behavior, prompting the individual to be more autonomous and independent in their attitudes, especially in their actions. A healthy environment builds safe emotions that promotes their self-esteem. But if not, emotional loneliness can arise, creating distrust and vulnerability, affecting their growth or adaptation to society.


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How to Cite

Collaguazo Chalco, C. F., Martínez Villegas, R. A., & Lata Reino, H. P. (2024). INFLUENCE OF PROTECTIVE FACTORS IN THE ADOLESCENT ENVIRONMENT. Killkana Social, 8(2), 23–36.

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