Fetishism, alienation and real abstraction, key concepts of Marx and Sohn-Rethel for a critical epistemology of law





fetichismo, enajenación, abstracción real, trabajo enajenado, forma mercancía, abstracción jurídica, propiedad esclavista


In this article I make a contribution to the critical epistemology of law from the categories fetishism, alienation and real abstraction. I pass through the rupture between the earlier and late works of Marx, and I link dialectically the concepts of fetishism and alienation. In this conceptual relationship, law is a constituent of the social relations of production and exchange in their different functions. From Sohn-Rethel's analysis of fetishism and real abstraction, I tackle the epistemological possibilities that exist through the law, legal abstractions, and deviations from the law. Consequently, I explain how the subject-objects of the social sciences and particularly the law, are linked in the conceptual structure of social synthesis. Finally, I summarize that real abstractions not only come from abstraction-exchange, but also from the slavery production over other human beings and the famulus.


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How to Cite

Chuchuca Serrano, J. V. (2023). Fetishism, alienation and real abstraction, key concepts of Marx and Sohn-Rethel for a critical epistemology of law. Killkana Social, 7(1), 21–40. https://doi.org/10.26871/killkanasocial.v7i1.1037