



Se presenta una reseña descriptiva y analítica del libro Derechos de la Naturaleza. Ética biocéntrica y políticas ambientales, del pensador ambientalista uruguayo Eduardo Gudynas, publicado en 2016, en torno al concepto de la ética en función de la Pachamama.


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Author Biography

Manuel Felipe Álvarez Galeano, Español

He was born in Medellín, Colombia. He is a Hispanic philologist, from the University of Antioquia; Master's degree in Advanced Studies of Spanish and Hispano-American Literature, from the University of Barcelona. He is an editor, lecturer, teacher, painter, and researcher of social and suicidal studies. He is studying for a Doctorate in Social Studies of America, at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. He has won the V Literary Prize "Letras de Iberoamérica", in Mexico; twice the “Monteiro Lobato” Literature Prize, in Brazil, and the XI International “Ermelinda Díaz” Prize, of Chile, among others.

His work has been translated into 12 languages ​​and disseminated in 20 countries. He has published the poetry collections El carnaval del oblivido (2013), Silencios (2020) and Bodas del fuego (2021); the novels Memories of María Celeste (2002) and The circle reader (2015); the Animal patético essays (2021), as well as the short story book Martín y la parranda de los Animales (2019). He has edited the books Stories of the mother in times of pandemic (2021), co-edited Warmis: stories of women (2021), and exhibited his plastic work Monstrosity and living nature (2021).


Gudynas, E. (2016). Derechos de la Naturaleza. Ética biocéntrica y políticas ambientales. Ediciones Abya-Yala


  • Abstract 88
  • PDF (Español (España)) 66
  • HTML (Español (España)) 29
  • AUDIO - RESUMEN (Español (España)) 19

How to Cite

Álvarez Galeano, M. F. (2023). Español. Killkana Social, 7(2), 1–6.