La Distribución de productos lácteos: Calidad se servicio y satisfacción tiendas de Guayaquil.


  • Clara Jessenia Onofre Vega Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
  • Walter Washignton Marquez-Yagual Universidad Politécnica Salesiana



The main objective was to determine to what degree the factors of service quality in the distribution of dairy products affect the perception of satisfaction in stores in the northern sector of the city of Guayaquil, using the Servperf model. The conclusion reached after reviewing the theory is that disconfirmation indicates that customers compare a new service experience with a standard they have developed. The study was descriptive, with a quantitative approach that used the survey as a technique, which was characterized by a questionnaire with the Likert scale in 22 questions. To choose the sample, the inferential statistical sample calculation was used and the result of the population of 447 points of sale was 207 study subjects. of the instrument that was measured in its reliability and the result was positively 0.846 in the Cronbach's Alpha. As a conclusion, it was obtained that it is shown that there is a correlation between the study variables, the independent variable known as quality of service, positively impacts 41.9% of customer satisfaction or dependent variable


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  • Abstract 177
  • PDF (Español (España)) 143
  • HTML (Español (España)) 15
  • AUDIO - RESUMEN (Español (España)) 20

How to Cite

Onofre Vega, C. J., & Marquez-Yagual, W. W. (2021). La Distribución de productos lácteos: Calidad se servicio y satisfacción tiendas de Guayaquil. Killkana Social, 5(3), 23–38.