Link with society in the military training of the career in Military Aeronautical Sciences


  • César Quinga-Suárez Universidad de Fuerzas Armadas - ESPE, Ecuador



The linkage-related activities with society and in accordance with the Organic Law Reform to the Organic Law of Higher Education 2018, which establishes the fulfillment of teaching, research and innovation and links with society, the career in Military Aeronautical Sciences develops the linkage project for the use and management of the new information and communication technologies, with the aim of establishing prevention and child safety in the use of social networks, in the marginal urban population in the planning area José Luis Tamayo, parish of Salinas, province of Santa Elena, which is the School of Basic Education ¨Francisco Huerta Rendón, with a capacity of 700 students. Likewise, the project is related to the research line of the Security and Defense career; together with the objectives of the National Plan of Good Living and the strategic objectives that were applicable in 2016, with the purpose of using technological tools and improving the quality of learning, offering students the opportunity to advance in the skills for treatment of the information that is required in the academic formation. Finally, the project that was developed and it had a direct impact on the student population and teaching staff of the educational institution, as well as on the family environment.


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  • Abstract 127
  • PDF (Español (España)) 117

How to Cite

Quinga-Suárez , C. . (2020). Link with society in the military training of the career in Military Aeronautical Sciences. Killkana Social, 4(2), 37–42.



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