Innovation in manufacturing companies in Cuenca
Most of the innovations of companies are based on the knowledge acquired from external sources such as licenses, patents, industrial engineering activities, consultancies, laboratories, universities, among others. This knowledge from internal or external sources is transformed into technological and organizational capabilities through systems, routines, manuals, leadership and management. In this way, this knowledge is used to improve production and distribution processes to reduce costs and improve the quality of products. For this, innovation activities are important either by acquiring external knowledge or generating their own, since innovation is not a linear process and allows feedback, correction, adaptation and improvement of processes and products. In this sense, the objective of this study is to know the main process innovation strategies and the innovation activities applied by manufacturing companies in Cuenca. For this, a quantitative methodology was used through a questionnaire that was applied in 122 companies selected through a probabilistic sampling of the total of Cuenca companies within the manufacturing sector registered in the Superintendency of Companies, Securities and Insurance in 2019. As a result, it was obtained that large companies develop activities such as solid innovation processes, while small and medium-sized companies have greater difficulties in developing innovation capacities, particularly to reduce their costs. Certainly, disruptive innovative advances are a challenge for companies and the productive system of countries. Technological changes have a transcendental influence on economic growth and consequently on the development of both physical capital and human capital. Therefore, organizations to stay in the market must achieve a minimum required of innovative advances and thus be more competitive.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Silvia Raquel Mejía Matute, Erika Belén García Galarza, Luis Gabriel Pinos Luzuriaga, Luis Bernardo Tonon Ordóñez, Bladimir Proaño Rivera
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