Education, Oral Health and Tics in teaching-learning.


  • Rocio Magdalena Molina Barahona Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Carlos Antonio Valverde Lojano Docente Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Sandra Karina Zavala Espín Universidad Católica de Cuenca Ecuador



This work projects to recognize the changes that education has presented today and the fundamental role that the use of tics has in the teaching-learning processes, implying a change in the pedagogical perspective.

 Currently there is a digitized culture where the educational system: teachers, students and parents have adapted to a new micro-curriculum, homes have become classrooms, blackboards into digital screens and there is limited coexistence between the teacher and students, that is, teaching has undergone a great change with the support of technology as a result of the fact that worldwide we are experiencing a health emergency.

This research proposal will reveal the reality from a meso-contextual point of view about the impact that this new teaching-learning modality has had: low-income families without internet access, little knowledge of the management of tics in education, migration forced to new technologies, action - interaction in the synchronous and asynchronous classes, the lack of promotion and prevention of oral health in a presence, are some of the examples of what is currently happening in education. It is important to identify these realities that will allow teachers and health personnel to be more aware of the true role in education, where technology plays a decisive role in teaching-learning, without forgetting that knowledge has always been innovating and we project ourselves to another era in the world of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Molina Barahona, R. M., Valverde Lojano , C. A. ., & Zavala Espín, S. K. (2021). Education, Oral Health and Tics in teaching-learning. Killkana Social, 5(2), 51–60.

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