Economic growth, income concentration and poverty reduction: Evidence in Ecuador of the Bourguignon hypothesis


  • Ramiro Efraín Villarruel-Meythaler Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • David Hernán Echeverría-Villafuerte Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Mónica Andrea Bedoya-Ramos Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Evelyn Sofía Moreta-Saraguro Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador



The present investigation analyzes the effects of economic growth, measured with household per capita income, and income inequality, measured with Gini coefficient, on the incidence of poverty in Ecuador. During the period 2007-2017, using data from the Encuesta Nacional de Empleo, Desempleo y Subempleo -ENEMDU-, it was shown that variations in economic growth and income inequality do have a significant impact on poverty. By calculating the elasticities, provided by the estimation of a multiple logarithmic regression model at the national and provincial levels, it was determined that the Gini coefficient turns out to be more elastic than the per capita income of households compared to poverty in the country and most of the provinces. According to the Bourguignon Hypothesis (2004), this implies that the distributive and redistributive policies in the country are more effective in ending poverty due to the levels of inequality that Ecuador has. However, such a situation does not mean that economic growth policies should be ignored, which are also necessary for the generation of resources that allow the achievement of national objectives.


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  • Abstract 561
  • PDF (Español (España)) 203

How to Cite

Villarruel-Meythaler, R. E., Echeverría-Villafuerte, D. H. ., Bedoya-Ramos, M. A. ., & Moreta-Saraguro, E. S. . (2020). Economic growth, income concentration and poverty reduction: Evidence in Ecuador of the Bourguignon hypothesis. Killkana Social, 4(3), 7–16.



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