The system of tutoring in the University. Case study of the Península de Santa Elena State University (UPSE)
In Higher Education, the tutorials acquire a singular importance, because the academic elements that are not complete in the teaching or in the experimentation and the practice, can be clarified and corrected in them. The objective of this work is to describe the current characteristics of the tutorial system developed in the UPSE and to offer recommendations for its improvement. For this purpose, a survey was applied to 204 UPSE professors, whose results indicate that the tutorials developed there respond to a greater extent to the individual and group modality, being scarce online. The tutorials of content of the subjects, mostly at the request of students are those that are most practiced in the university studied. The students recognize the value of the tutorials, at the same time that the teachers consider that they have had a positive impact on the performance and the academic results. Counseling tutors are little developed in the UPSE, even though they constitute a valuable source of human development. Some recommendations are offered.
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- Abstract 153
- PDF (Español (España)) 164
- epub (Español (España)) 84
- Audio Español (Español (España)) 45
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