Formative research as a tool for educational innovation


  • Edgar Rigoberto Curay Banegas Universidad Católica de Cuenca.
  • Oscar Santiago Vanegas Quizhpi Universidad Católica de Cuenca.



At present, the formative research in higher education places the student as the main protagonist of the generation of his own knowledge. The role of teachers is oriented to use appropriate methods that allow: tutorate, guide, assist and accompany students towards the achievement of meaningful and independent learning, motivating them to work collaboratively and independently depending on the case. In the following article we reflect on the experience derived from formative research in the Academic Unit of Education of the Catholic University of Cuenca (UCACUE) having as objective the educational innovation to promote in a permanent and systematic way the formation of researchers at the undergraduate level emphasizing learning by doing.The purpose of the study we present is the analysis of innovation through the integrative project in the careers of Initial Education and Educational Psychology of the Catholic University of Cuenca, the main results obtained being evidence of the suitability of the teaching innovation implemented to enhance the development of higher order thinking skills. The development of these competences has been achieved thanks mainly to the development of formative research as integrative work, which has allowed the generation of academic products, which have been exposed in the form of scientific posters, being evaluated by teachers in the open house of end of cycle.


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  • Abstract 238
  • PDF (Español (España)) 161
  • EPUB (Español (España)) 39
  • Audio Español (Español (España)) 41

How to Cite

Curay Banegas, E. R., & Vanegas Quizhpi, O. S. (2018). Formative research as a tool for educational innovation. Killkana Social, 2(2), 59–64.



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