La investigación científica como un indicador de calidad educativa universitaria




Educación superior, publicaciones académicas, estándares de calidad, docencia universitaria


With the issuance of Mandate Number 14 by the National Constituent Assembly on July 22, 2008, which aimed to promote the purification and improvement of higher education in the country to ensure educational quality, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) were forced to incorporate the research component into their academic activities, an indicator of this parameter is the publication of academic-scientific articles. However, publication alone does not guarantee quality or academic rigor. To ensure it, additional measures have been established, such as the impact factor, quartile indexing, the transfer of new knowledge to classrooms, among others. This paper addresses the training problem in research and scientific production for university teachers. The purpose is to analyze scientific research as an indicator of the educational quality of Ecuadorian universities regarding teaching practices from 2018 to 2022 and is limited to the field of ​​Telecommunications. It will focus on implementing new techniques of teaching practice aimed at updating the academic curriculum, enhancing the teaching-learning process, and improving the academic performance of the students of this Career. The research methodology is based on a mixed analysis approach (qualitative and quantitative), where the application of semi-structured interviews with experts on the subject is proposed. This study, conducted at two universities in the country, one public and the other private, will provide insights into the impact of research on the educational quality of Higher Education Institutions. In addition, this data may be the basis for implementing educational improvements


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How to Cite

Lara Guijarro , E. G., Chaquinga López, D. B. ., & Corella Guerra, F. A. . (2023). La investigación científica como un indicador de calidad educativa universitaria. Killkana Social, 7(3), 195–206.

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