Análisis comparativo entre los estándares de calidad del Ministerio de Educación y del Consejo de Aseguramiento de la Calidad de la Educación Superior




Sistema de Educación, Estándares de calidad, Calidad Educativa, educación básica y bachillerato, educación superior


In this study, the conceptions regarding educational quality will be developed from the perspective of the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC by its Spanish acronym) and the Council for Quality Assurance of Higher Education (CACES by its Spanish acronym). Subsequently, a comparative analysis was carried out between the MINEDUC school management standard indicators and the fundamental elements of the External Evaluation Model for Universities and Polytechnic Schools of CACES, including the following axes teaching, research, linkage and institutional conditions. Through this analysis, we seek to verify the structure of these governing bodies, their objectives and goals to be achieved, and to later develop the similarities and differences between the indicators and the fundamental elements. For this purpose, expert criteria were incorporated, involving i) teachers from the Ministry of Education and ii) academics with experience in accreditation and quality assurance processes, who contributed to developing and analyzing a double-entry table that relates the standards of both organizations. Finally, results will be obtained that allow a holistic view of the degree of alignment between educational quality standards within the Ecuadorian educational system. With the result of this analysis, both MINEDUC and CACES will be able to undertake actions for change and alignment between their standards, allowing continuity in the process of constant improvement of educational quality


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How to Cite

Minchala Bacuilima, W. R., Pulla Abad, C. A. ., Moscoso Bernal, S. A. ., & Castro López, D. P. . (2023). Análisis comparativo entre los estándares de calidad del Ministerio de Educación y del Consejo de Aseguramiento de la Calidad de la Educación Superior. Killkana Social, 7(3), 37–50.

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