Urban cultures, appropriate the time of recreation


  • Diego Vicente Illescas Reinoso Universidad Católica de Cuenca.




“Urban Cultures, appropriate the time of recreation", is the result of an investigation in which an ethnographic study was conducted within a mixed private secondary educational institution of Cuenca, which analyzes the dynamics of the collectives to group and form youth cultures. It is studied how they construct their identities, which are the environments in which the young people of the school interact, and how they use the public space within the city.  In this qualitative study, the technique of ethnography is applied, whose fundamental objective is to analyze the construction of youth identities and cultures, and their environment, and how it is capitalized by groups of adolescents to know their needs, interests and interactions. It is analyzed how these young people conceive the "public space", how they interact in it; where and for what they meet, what they do, how they are linked to each other, if they are rejected or accepted in it. The research made it possible to discover, identify and describe various youth cultures immersed in the educational institution, and how they are constructing their identities in the different environments and how they convert the public space of the city into their territory. In addition, urban cultures are studied as they are conceptually focused on communication and culture and are consolidated in Latin American cultural studies.


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  • Abstract 302
  • pdf (Español (España)) 128
  • epub (Español (España)) 42
  • Audio Español (Español (España)) 34

How to Cite

Illescas Reinoso, D. V. (2018). Urban cultures, appropriate the time of recreation. Killkana Social, 2(3), 65–74. https://doi.org/10.26871/killkanasocial.v2i3.325



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