The agricultural production of toquilla straw in Ecuador, the artisanal productive flow and the formation of prices


  • María Caridad Mederos-Machado Universidad Estatal Península Santa Elena, Ecuador
  • Carlos Eloy Balmaseda-Espinosa Universidad Estatal Península Santa Elena, Ecuador
  • Denisse Tatiana Suárez-Yagual Universidad Estatal Península Santa Elena, Ecuador
  • Maritza Gisella Paula-Chica Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador



Toquilla straw or Carludovica Palmata is grown in mountainous areas such as the Coast and the East as they are areas where the climate is humid. It is a species of palm tree (with fibrous tissue), it grows wild in the tropical forests of the Western and Eastern regions, and in areas located at an average altitude of 100 to 180 meters. The diversity of this crop has not expanded to other parts of the country, because it does not have the climatic characteristics that it needs. Toquilla straw plays an important role in the economy of various groups or associations established at the national level, constituting a source of income for each of the families. The objective of this article is to carry out a socio-productive characterization of the production of toquilla straw, especially the artisanal productive flow and analysis of the elements that intervene in the formation of the prices of this raw material used in the making of the hat, heritage of humanity and other consumer products. Through research instruments such as the survey, observation and interview, it was possible to reach conclusions, establishing the new flow diagrams of the artisanal production of toquilla straw, as well as the formation of the price. In summary, a diagnosis is obtained that allows decisions to be made in the commune.


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  • Abstract 903
  • PDF (Español (España)) 526

How to Cite

Mederos-Machado MC, Balmaseda-Espinosa CE, Suárez-Yagual DT, Paula-Chica MG. The agricultural production of toquilla straw in Ecuador, the artisanal productive flow and the formation of prices. tecnica [Internet]. 2020 Aug. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];4(2):29-34. Available from:



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