Financing decisions in food service and accommodation companies: Trade Off vs. Pecking Order


  • Ana Luisa Carvajal-Salgado Universidad Espíritu Santo
  • Christel Alexandra Michilena Chila Universidad Espíritu Santo
  • Gustavo Adolfo Acuña Corredor Universidad Nacional de Colombia



The purpose of this article is to determine the source of funding used by companies in the sector of food accommodation and services, using the Pecking Order and Trade Off theories in the period 2013-2015.  For the investigation, information was used from the statement of financial position and income statement of the Ecuadorian companies in the accommodation and food services sector, comparable information because it is prepared in accordance with accounting standards.  A quantitative investigation of explanatory, longitudinal type was carried out; the population was formed by 614 active companies that report their financial statements to the Superintendencia de Compañías del Ecuador.  Financial and economic analysis is used as a methodology through the indicators of indebtedness, leverage and profitability.  The results show that companies are financed with their own resources, with high concentration in the short term and to a lesser extent with financial institutions, and it is evident that the size of the company is a factor that influences when obtaining resources, corroborating the hypothesis that establishes that companies are financed according to the theory of the Pecking Order, however, large companies go in greater proportion to bank debt contrary to the trend of small businesses, since financial institutions often prefer to grant resources monetary benefits to those companies that have the greatest guarantee to cover their loans, which causes business inequality.


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How to Cite

Carvajal-Salgado, A. L., Michilena Chila, C. A., & Acuña Corredor, G. A. (2018). Financing decisions in food service and accommodation companies: Trade Off vs. Pecking Order. Killkana Social, 2(4), 21–32.



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