Production of audio as a complementary element to the rehabilitation of persons deprived of liberty


  • Wilson Gárate-Andrade University of Cuenca



Within the possibilities offered by the "Framework Agreement signed between the Ministry of Justice, Human Rights and Cults - MJDHC and the University of Cuenca"; Since September 2014, the Training Plan for Inmates of the Centro Social Rehabilitación Centro Sur Center, CRS Turi has been developed. Its purpose is the development of audio content that stimulates the knowledge of the management of radio media and allows the exercise of the rights of access and participation in communication and in particular the right to broadcast and receive information. All within the framework of freedom of thought and expression. It is developed at the beginning of each academic university period; in March and October with the collaboration of a group of student volunteers from the journalism and communication careers of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Social Communication Sciences of the University of Cuenca. It is an interactive and participative process of generation of communication contents linked to the reaffirmation and practice of values.


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  • Abstract 127
  • PDF (Español (España)) 119
  • HTML (Español (España)) 0
  • AUDIO - RESUMEN (Español (España)) 20

How to Cite

Gárate-Andrade, W. (2021). Production of audio as a complementary element to the rehabilitation of persons deprived of liberty. Killkana Social, 5(1), 27–32.



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