Risks and financial impacts: methodological notes for constructive investments


  • Silvia Dotres-Zúñiga Investigador independiente
  • Libys Martha Zúñiga-Igarza Universidad de Holguín, Cuba http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9669-8658
  • Miguel Alejandro Cruz-Cabeza Investigador independiente




The evaluation of the financial impacts in the execution of constructive investments is important because it contributes to increase efficiency, from rationality. This is possible to achieve if constructive investment is conceived from a scientific perspective to analyze the negative financial impacts that occur. The existence of limitations in the application of studies for the evaluation of impacts through risk management has not allowed to clarify its importance, necessity, frequency, magnitude, meaning and relevance for the evaluation of the feasibility of investments, as well as for the economic technical evaluation at the close or deactivation of the investment. To this end, a methodological approach has been made to evaluate impacts through risk management in the execution of constructive investments in contribution to the accuracy of feasibility and economic technical evaluation at the close or deactivation of the investment. Through the integration of tools such as Life Cycle Analysis, methodology to assess impacts and risk management in the execution of constructive investments. The process was developed in four stages: Definition of the objective and scope; Analysis of life cycle inventory; Impact assessment of the life cycle; and Interpretation of the life cycle. These are structured in such a way that they contribute to the generation of databases for decision making in feasibility studies according to the changes in the environment; to the accuracy of the budgets estimated in the contingency sub-account with the objective that it be recorded more realistically based on the quantitative analysis derived from risk management, in addition to providing the information for the preparation of the technical economic report of the closure of constructive investment


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Author Biography

Libys Martha Zúñiga-Igarza, Universidad de Holguín, Cuba

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  • Abstract 277
  • pdf (Español (España)) 154

How to Cite

Dotres-Zúñiga, S., Zúñiga-Igarza, L. M., & Cruz-Cabeza, M. A. (2019). Risks and financial impacts: methodological notes for constructive investments. Killkana Social, 3(3), 9–16. https://doi.org/10.26871/killkanasocial.v3i3.377



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