Advertising media that influence the consumer at the time of acquire a product or service
Actually the communication and access to information are unlimited. The development of technology and the emergence of the Internet have improved our lifestyles and have contributed in the business sector, especially in the development of communication strategies to stay close to its market. The media not only transmit an idea or message to a receiver, but they also persuade the content and the general idea of the message, because they adapt to the needs of the market. The companies choose and personalize these means in didactic and persuasive contents that stimulate their choice of purchase or preference for some product or service. This article aims to determine the advertising media that influence the consumer. To this end, it has developed a quantitative research aimed at gathering information on the means that influence the decision of purchase of the inhabitants in the city of Machala. The presentation of results is established through the division of conventional and non-conventional media. In this sense the utilization of advertising media is a more detailed study, because the population not only fixes on the idea transmitted, but also the form in which it is exposed, how it observes it and the environment where it observed it. All these elements help to stimulate the message in the receiver's memory and trigger a purchase action.
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