The integration of private savings to consensual production


  • René Patricio Palomeque Cantos Universidad Católica de Cuenca.
  • Jhon Genaro Molina Hugo Universidad Católica de Cuenca.



A basic objective of society is the fight against social inequality, poverty and the inefficient use of resources, aspects that maintain underdevelopment, as it is a constant problem in our societies. In the last decades the countries and organizations of the development, have deployed efforts to reduce the poverty, nevertheless, the results have been adverse, rather, it has increased, mainly, in countries of Latin America, where the lack of employment, it has subjected the population to poverty and poverty.    The general objective is to formulate efficient productive processes that revert the condition of poverty, through the empowerment of each society, according to productive and collaborative agreements with methods of understanding of common interests and purposes, which are not altruism or selfishness, but a win, win, with atypical agreements of mutual benefit.   The methodology is to consult primary and secondary sources on the integration of economic actors, proposing a proposal that links wills and decisions, resources and processes, where socio-economic sectors, enter into productive alliances, such as social synergy, that activate the productive potential national.   Successful socioeconomic results will be obtained, whose impacts will be appreciated in the new concept of producing and participating, in accordance with the integration of the productive forces through real and daring public-private partnerships, which will allow more national and external investment. Relevant conclusions will be reached on the efficient way of producing and integrating more people to wealth, aspects that will lead to development.


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  • Abstract 179
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How to Cite

Palomeque Cantos, R. P., & Molina Hugo, J. G. (2018). The integration of private savings to consensual production. Killkana Social, 2(3), 135–144.



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