Diagnosis of socio-environmental effects due to noise in cocoa processing of the CAORO corporation at Río Negro site


  • Yuri Patricio Espinoza Aguilar Universidad Técnica de Machala
  • Alex Dumany Luna Florin Universidad Técnica de Machala
  • María Belén Buele Calderón Universidad Técnica de Machala




In the Río Negro sector belonging to the La Victoria parish of Santa Rosa, the corporation CAORO (Agroexport Corporation El Oro) has been developing the activity of the purchase of cocoa where the fermentation and drying of the same is carried out for the commercialization at the national level And subsequent export, this activity has social and environmental impacts which will be announced in the present investigation. Among the social impacts were found that workers are exposed for an extended period of time to noise with decibels that exceed the permissible limits established in the Unified Text of Secondary Environmental Legislation, which in the future can cause a health risk as Nervousness and deafness. In environmental impacts, it was observed that the noise affects terrestrial birds such as Furnarius cinnamomeus, Dives warszewiczi, Ara chloroptera, Eastern bluebird, Columba livia, Turdus merula, of the sector causing them to be disturbed in the search of food for being always alert to Predators, some birds also modified their natural behavior by treading in this noisy environment. The vibrations generated by the machinery used have adverse effects on the health of the worker who lives in the corporation, causing spondilitis, disc calcification and even less manual ability. In the wild the vibrations cause mechanical damages to the digestive system and respiratory systems, besides disorientation since each animal has a specific vibration of energy that helps them to communicate with each other.


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  • Abstract 134
  • PDF (Español (España)) 119
  • epub (Español (España)) 48
  • Audio Español (Español (España)) 37

How to Cite

Espinoza Aguilar, Y. P., Luna Florin, A. D., & Buele Calderón, M. B. (2018). Diagnosis of socio-environmental effects due to noise in cocoa processing of the CAORO corporation at Río Negro site. Killkana Social, 2(3), 43–50. https://doi.org/10.26871/killkanasocial.v2i3.321



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