Influence of the intrinsic attributes in the intent of purchasing integral bread in Quito




The objective of the present investigation was to identify the existence of relationships between the intrinsic attributes and the intention to purchase whole grain bread in the city of Quito, as well as the existence of statistically significant differences between the variables under study and factors demographic, such as: sex, age and zonal administration in which the respondents live, which was developed based on a previous study (Gonzalón Almagro, Andrea; Guasgua Espinosa, 2018). The research method used had a quantitative, correlational, non-experimental approach; the research instrument was a survey designed based on two questionnaires, one that deals with intrinsic factors, designed by Heenan, Dufour, Hamid, Harvey and Delahuty (2008) and the other that deals with purchase intention, designed by Long-Chuan, Wen-Pin and Hsiu-Hua (2014); this survey was randomly applied to 384 consumers of wholemeal bread (233 women, 151 men), who live in the five urban zonal administrations that make up the Metropolitan District of Quito; to form the groups, the stratified probabilistic sampling with proportional affixation was used, having the age and zonal administration as grouping parameters. The main results obtained, showed that there is no positive linear relationship between the intrinsic attributes and the purchase intention of wholemeal bread, however, there are statistically significant differences between some of the intrinsic attributes and the intention to buy whole grain bread, of the sex of the respondents; Finally, it was found that the intent to purchase whole grain bread presents statistically significant differences with respect to the zonal administration in which the respondents live.


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Author Biography

Zlata Borsic Laborde, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas - ESPE

Departamento de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y de Comercio, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Sangolquí - Ecuador


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How to Cite

Borsic Laborde, Z. (2018). Influence of the intrinsic attributes in the intent of purchasing integral bread in Quito. Killkana Social, 2(3), 25–32.



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