An educational, cultural, ethic and values Approach to Early Education
The main objective of this learning research study was to analyze the educational, cultural, ethic, and values approach to Early Education. Promoting the importance of inspiring values to children from an early age, as future early education teachers, is one of the challenges in this multi and intercultural society. The aim is to develop respectful human beings within a democratic society. The research methodology was qualitative and quantitative. It was also exploratory and descriptive. The applied tool was the interview. The sample consisted of 7 teachers from an early education center. They all work with zero to three year olds. The applied tool has a total of fifteen questions regarding inter-culturalism and what is implied when implementing it in the institution. This will allow to verify the knowledge the teachers have regarding this topic; its application based on the Well-being Plan (2013-2017). The conclusions are the differences in the teachers´ understanding of the concepts of inter, multi and pluri culture and understanding their characteristics within the framework of Well-being Plan. It is important to highlight the interactions between the teachers and the students, which are constant, looking to implement in children different values and the acceptance of different cultures and traditions through topics or specific classes. Nevertheless, it was observed that as an institution, where children from different provinces and nationalities coexist, it lacks an explicit program which works with the previously mentioned topics.
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