Innovation, technologies and education: digital narratives as didactic strategies


  • Andrés Hermann Acosta Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica



Innovation as a category of analysis in the educational field, drags a heritage and tradition that comes from the business scenario, which drives the idea of ​​improving a good or service, which in this case is translated into the application of training processes in the quantitative evaluation of academic achievements. The present work, advocates the idea that innovation has to be rethought in education, considering that the improvement does not occur in the approval or disapproval of students, but rather in the power to rethink models, didactics and teaching methodologies and Active, dynamic and participatory type learning for students. With the aforementioned, digital narratives are presented as innovative learning strategies, which makes it possible to change from a one-directional educational model to a muldirectional model and the field of didactics, stimulating learning processes from a systemic activation logic. visual, auditory, sensory type, taking the step from a memorization process towards assimilation, understanding and transfer of knowledge towards learning in real contexts. The case of storytelling is an expression of digital narratives, which is understood as a system of visual and sound languages ​​that allow hypertext navigation, which in the case of education is presented as an art of storytelling, which makes it possible to generate a dynamic, sensory and open education, which proposes active learning methodologies, co-creation and knowledge construction collectively.


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How to Cite

Hermann Acosta, A. (2018). Innovation, technologies and education: digital narratives as didactic strategies. Killkana Social, 2(2), 31–38.



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