Legal strategies to address workplace harassment in Ecuador


  • Edwin Leonardo Tello-Yandún Universidad Católica de Cuenca.
  • Carlos Miguel Yuquilima-Niola Universidad Católica de Cuenca



In the present work we analyze labor harassment focused on the Constitutional, Labor, Civil, Criminal and Ecuadorian Civil Procedure, providing solutions about this serious social and legal problem that oppresses the Ecuadorian worker, all that imbued by job harassers that interest them that there is a lack of socialization and social interest about workplace harassment and its harmful effects in the country, which is why it is a matter of minimizing the damage caused by the serious problem of labor harassment within the Ecuadorian working society, because currently Workplace harassment is representing a real attack against principles and constitutional rights mainly as life, freedom, dignity, work, non-discrimination and family protection, harassment at work has been treated as a problem under investigation of this study so that it has been tried through its conceptualization to identify it, to classify it, to give it a typology, evidencing its consequences to finally be able to propose legal and legal countermeasures when faced with harassment in Ecuador. Thus being a problem caused by their ignorance, not only allowing a series of abuses and abuses that trigger labor conflicts that transcend reaching even affect the individual in their physical and psychological integrity, honor, health, family and the entire environment in the one that unfolds, since the harasser remains unpunished and the harassed in defenselessness, apart from that as a curious fact in Ecuador to date there is no complaint filed for labor harassment that has prospered positively. That is why there is an urgent need to make known, ¿What can a person do when faced with workplace bullying in Ecuador?.


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Author Biographies

Edwin Leonardo Tello-Yandún, Universidad Católica de Cuenca.

Abogado de los Tribunales de Justicia de la República. por la Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Magister en Derecho Civil y Procesal Civil por la Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, Docente tiempo completo de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca.

Carlos Miguel Yuquilima-Niola, Universidad Católica de Cuenca

Doctor en Jurisprudencia, por la Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Magister en Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social por la Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Docente tiempo completo de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca.


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  • Abstract 172
  • PDF (Español (España)) 159

How to Cite

Tello-Yandún, E. L., & Yuquilima-Niola, C. M. (2020). Legal strategies to address workplace harassment in Ecuador. Killkana Social, 4(3), 1–6.



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