Reflection on practice and agency; essential competencies for teaching activity
formación del profesorado, reflexión pedagógica, agencia docente, actividad docente, relación teoría práctica.Abstract
This work aims to quickly position two fundamental concepts in the process of teacher training and teaching activity: reflection on pre-professional practice and teaching agency. It also seeks to intertwine these conceptual categories to understand them as interrelated and significant in the development of teacher education. These concepts are presented from the perspectives of both classical and more contemporary authors, who include other relevant aspects such as the current educational contexts in which teachers carry out their activities. On one hand, reflection on pedagogical practice is addressed as the ability that allows teachers to deeply understand the situations, cases, or problems of educational practice. On the other hand, teaching agency is explored as the capacity that enables teachers to make informed decisions about the educational practices that arise in these situations, based on professional autonomy and the sense of responsibility that teachers have over key aspects of their work, including curriculum design, pedagogy, and classroom management.
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