Un camino hacia la diversidad e inclusión educativa superior





Diversidad, equidad, exclusión, inclusión educativa


At present there is a great diversity of students who access higher education, some have special educational needs related or not to disabilities, which put their regular insertion at risk, therefore, higher education institutions must work on plans of contingency that allow to raise protocols for the adequate management of the students in the classrooms. The objective of the research is to identify the special educational needs of students, to analyze the path towards diversity and educational inclusion at a higher level, considering the actions developed from the first years until reaching the higher level. The information collected was based on the documentary analysis of the files and databases of the Student Welfare unit, which rest in the case study educational institution, also on the application of interviews with experts who set the guidelines to follow. Among the most relevant results, one can see the importance of the permanent training of teachers so that they are able to work collaboratively with the actors involved in the process, such as the Counseling or Student Welfare departments so that they can be guided the student, identifying their skills and competencies, as well as the family so that they are able to walk alongside the student with special educational needs and the immediate student community so that they see the importance of respecting and incorporating students into these social processes. It is necessary that each higher education institution carry out a diagnosis not only of knowledge but also vocational, identification of competencies and psychological, so that in this way the student can contribute to the selection of his professional career, which allows him to develop in relation to your need


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How to Cite

Chaquinga López, D. B., Lara Guijarro, E. G. ., & Corella Guerra, F. A. . (2023). Un camino hacia la diversidad e inclusión educativa superior. Killkana Social, 7(3), 207–220. https://doi.org/10.26871/killkanasocial.v7i3.1416

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