Aplicativo móvil para solución de problemas de transmisión de potencia por cadenas de rodillos
Aplicación móvil, Transmisión de potencia, Cadenas de rodillo, Modelo MatemáticoAbstract
The present work is focused on designing and developing a mobile application for calculating power transmissions using roller chains, primarily based on ANSI and ISO standards, as well as on specialized technical catalogs and directories from which equations, tables, and graphs were considered. From this, a mathematical model is defined, which, in conjunction with a typical problem, enables finding the geometry, power capacity, lubrication type, and useful life of the power transmission. Input variables for this model include driving power, the type of driven machine, the angular velocity of the fastest shaft, transmission ratio, number of sprocket teeth, number of strands, and distance between centers. The mathematical model comprises 38 relationships and 51 variables, from which the solution algorithm is derived. The Lee and Christensen matrix and the Nassi-Scheirman diagram were used as strategies to establish the algorithm, facilitating the definition of an acyclic resolution sequence and the graphic representation of a structured program design, respectively. This algorithm creates a mobile tool within the Android Studio integrated development environment, employing Java and Kotlin programming languages to build native Android applications. The mobile tool has proven itself as a simple, portable, and accessible interface to provide an accurate, engineering-based solution for conventional roller chain power transmission problems.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Byron Agustín Solórzano Castillo, Bryan Santiago Jiménez Cueva, Darwin Giovanny Tapia Peralta, Genoveva Jackelinne Suing Albito

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