Early childhood growth in Morona-Santiago province
desarrollo del niño, política gubernamentalAbstract
This research discusses formulating, designing, and implementing public policy related to early childhood growth in the Morona-Santiago province, Ecuador. For that, it first shows a diagnosis of all that happens with the proposed topic in the region. Next, it exposes the Ecuadorian reality about the matter. Finally, it analyzes all that happens into the geographical space that limits the object of study (Morona-Santiago province). The importance of making this analysis has its basis in the fact that early childhood growth is the base of the evolution that a person will experience throughout life and, therefore, the technological, social, and cultural advances that states achieve for the benefit of people. In order to promote the correct viability of this public policy, it’s important the role that parents or caregivers play, but also the professional people dedicated to the education of the kids during a determinant stage throughout their lives. In that way, they talk about a co-responsibility between the state, the mentioned people, and society as a whole. The actions that the state takes in the matter have to start from birth, but also from conception and contraceptive methods (focused on the adolescent population, who many times don’t be sufficiently prepared to maintain a child).
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Copyright (c) 2024 José Alberto Andrade Cárdenas, Gisela Fátima Ledesma Juanga, Ruth Estela Pastuizaca Asitimbay, Marjorie Daniela Serrano Bermeo, Daniela Cristina Tuapante Jaramillo
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