Spousal patrimonial violence as an influential factor in the management of emotions in the women of the Tisaleo Community Association, a CACTU affiliate.


  • Maria Muñoz Palacios Universidad Tecnica de Ambato
  • Silvia Jovanna Altamirano Altamirano Universidad Técnica de Ambato




empoderamiento, DEXPLOS, género, manejo emocional, violencia patrimonial


In Ecuador, patrimonial violence is something recent for its legal system, which has been sanctioning this type of violence since 2018, with the enactment of the Comprehensive Organic Law to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women in Ecuador and not so for the reality of thousands of Ecuadorian women today. Within this research it is important to study it in order to determine what is the main factor that favors the exercise of this type of violence and how it influences the management of emotions in the women of the group of the Community Association of Tisaleo. For the treatment of the information collected and with the purpose of not accumulating research material in large quantities with undue conduction, the research methodology used is qualitative at a descriptive level, applying surveys directed exclusively to the female gender. Women victims of this type of violence have reflected emotions such as low self-esteem, shame, fear or guilt, producing future revictimization. Adequate management of these feelings allows women to process these situations of violence and subsequently regain confidence and be able to make decisions autonomously. The results of this research indicate that the lack of knowledge of legal regulations is the main factor for women to be victims of this type of violence, among many others with lesser impact. The application and effective control of legal regulations is a solution that must be accompanied by the continuous promotion of education and awareness of gender violence in Ecuadorian society.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Palacios, M., & Altamirano Altamirano, S. J. (2023). Spousal patrimonial violence as an influential factor in the management of emotions in the women of the Tisaleo Community Association, a CACTU affiliate. Killkana Social, 7(2), 107–122. https://doi.org/10.26871/killkanasocial.v7i2.1283