
  • SANTIAGO ARTURO MOSCOSO BERNAL Catholic University of Cuenca // Educational Quality and Management Laboratory
  • Katina Vanessa Bermeo Pazmiño Catholic University of Cuenca
  • Boris Arturo Poveda Sánchez Catholic University of Cuenca // Educational Quality and Management Laboratory
  • DORIS PRISCILA CASTRO LOPEZ Ministry of Education of Ecuador / Cuenca Norte District
  • Adriana Marrero Fernández Interamerican Open University (UAI - Argentina)



Ética, aseguramiento de la calidad, educación superior, acreditación, autoevaluación


Quality assurance in universities worldwide is increasingly important and transcendent, since it is a vital process to generate a culture of quality in universities that tends to permanent and continuous improvement. The article aims to address and highlight the relevance of ethical and moral principles for the success of the phases of quality assurance: i) self-regulation, ii) self-assessment and iii) accreditation or certification. The success of the results achieved in a quality assurance process must necessarily be accompanied by ethical standards throughout the organization; from the construction of evaluation policies, the discrimination of information and expression of value judgments of different evidence, standards or indicators, the formation of the evaluation team, whether external or internal, preparation of reports, etc.; guaranteeing transparency, integrity and veracity in the evaluation processes of a career, postgraduate or institution. The methodology of the article includes the review and selection of different scientific articles, analysis and reporting of the results; and is complemented by the experience of the authors in quality assurance processes.


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Author Biographies

SANTIAGO ARTURO MOSCOSO BERNAL, Catholic University of Cuenca // Educational Quality and Management Laboratory

Electrical Engineer and Specialist in University Teaching at the Catholic University of Cuenca, Master in Physics learning from the National University of Chimborazo, Master in Renewable Energies from the European University of the Atlantic (Spain), Master from the International University of Ecuador in the Program in Quality Management and Innovation, Master in Business Administration with a mention in Management and Project Management from the Catholic University of Cuenca, PhD student at the Austral University, Río Negro and Abierta Interamericana in Argentina, in the University Higher Education Program under the line of quality research in higher education institutions, PhD candidate in the PhD Program in Engineering from the National University of Cuyo (UNCUYO - Argentina), Peer evaluator certified by the Higher Education Quality Assurance Council, CACES , International Auditor ISO 9001:2015, Auditor - evaluator in instit educational solutions for the Ministry of Education, Author of more than a dozen scientific articles, Author of three books, Director of more than twenty undergraduate and postgraduate thesis projects, Guest speaker at various universities on quality management systems and evaluation and accreditation of universities, Director of the Department of Quality Management of the Catholic University of Cuenca, was Director of the Electrical Engineering Career of the Catholic University of Cuenca, was Vice Chancellor of the Educational Units: Julio María Matovelle and Luisa de Jesús Cordero ., Educational Advisor for the Ministry of Education of the "Quality Dimensions" program, currently works as Head of Accreditation and Quality Assurance and as a Professor of Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering and Master's Programs at the Catholic University of Basin.

Katina Vanessa Bermeo Pazmiño , Catholic University of Cuenca

Formación Académica:


Doctora (Ph.D.) en Ciencias de la Administración

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Ciudad de México-México.

Año 2016


Especialista en Docencia Universitaria.

Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Cuenca-Ecuador.

Año 2012


Magister en Economía. Mención Finanzas.

Universidad de Cuenca. Cuenca-Ecuador.

Año 2007



Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Cuenca-Ecuador

Año 2004


Vinculación Laboral:

Universidad Católica de Cuenca

2009 – a la fecha


*Docente-investigador en la Unidad Académica de Administración.

*Cátedras asignadas:     Macroeconomía – Microeconomía.

Fundamentos de Economía y Realidad Social.

Ingeniería Económica.

Metodología de la Investigación.


*Docente posgrado:       Maestría en Administración de Empresas.

*Cátedras asignadas:     Gestión Empresarial.

Responsabilidad Social Corporativa.

                                               Planificación Estratégica.


*Directora de Investigación de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca.

Oct. 2013 – Dic. 2015


*Subdecana de la Unidad Académica de Administración.

Ene.2016 – Ene.2021

*Vicerrectora Académica de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca

Feb.2021 - actualmente


Idiomas:              Inglés (B2)

                               Portugués (Lectocomprensión)


Ha publicado artículos científicos en su línea de investigación relacionada a competitividad de la micro, pequeña y mediana empresa, responsabilidad social, industria 4.0 y vulnerabilidad macroeconómica. Así como la participación en proyectos de investigación nacionales como internacionales.


Premios y/o reconocimientos:


*Premio Universitario “Luis Cordero”, Constancia del Accésit. Mejor Egresada de la Unidad Académica de Economía, Finanzas y Mercadotecnia. Promoción 2001-2002. Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Marzo 2009. 

*Premio de Investigación “Arturo Díaz Alonso”, Administración de la micro, pequeña y mediana empresa. Facultad de Contaduría y Administración. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Octubre 2016.

*Mención Honorífica: Tesis de Doctorado “Determinación de la Competitividad Sistémica de la MIPYME Manufacturera en Ecuador: El caso de la fabricación de muebles de madera en el área urbana del cantón Cuenca de la provincia del Azuay, Ecuador”. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Octubre 2016.




Boris Arturo Poveda Sánchez , Catholic University of Cuenca // Educational Quality and Management Laboratory

Systems Engineer from the Catholic University of Cuenca, Master in Quality Management and Innovation from the International University of Ecuador, Institutional Accreditation and Evaluation Analyst from the Catholic University of Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador. International Auditor ISO 9001:2015, Auditor ISO 27001:2020, peer evaluator of the Council for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (CACES), Evaluator of Quality Assurance Plans by the Council for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (CACES).

DORIS PRISCILA CASTRO LOPEZ, Ministry of Education of Ecuador / Cuenca Norte District

Educational Psychologist from the Catholic University of Cuenca and Master in Inclusive Basic Education from the University of Azuay, ISO 9001:2015 auditor, as well as certifications in business administration and trainer of trainers.


Teacher with 9 years of experience and coordinator of the student counseling department

Adriana Marrero Fernández, Interamerican Open University (UAI - Argentina)

Doctor, Master and Graduate in Educational Sociology, Principal Professor of the University de la República, Invited Professor to the Doctoral Program in University Higher Education, Bs. As. Argentina, author of several scientific articles, books and speaker at multiple academic events and scientific congresses.


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How to Cite

MOSCOSO BERNAL, S. A., Bermeo Pazmiño , K. V., Poveda Sánchez , B. A., CASTRO LOPEZ, D. P., & Marrero Fernández, A. (2023). ETHICS AS A TRANSVERSAL AXIS FOR THE SUCCESS OF QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCESSES IN UNIVERSITIES. Killkana Social, 7(Especial), 19–30.