Fundamentos de gerencia aplicados a salud ( PARTE II)


  • Ebingen Villavicencio-Caparó Departamento Académico de Odontología Social Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
  • Katherine Correa-Carrera Maestrante en epidemiología clínica Universidad de Las Américas
  • Angela Gabriela Espín-Cazar Posgradista en ortodoncia Universidad de Cuenca



The aim of this article is to state a position on the broad background that marketing involves, many people think that this discipline is advertising, which is totally false, in this article we analyze the most relevant aspects of strategic marketing planning, using the SWOT tool, then we delve into the data needed to conduct a market study, then we present the strategies that integrate management to marketing and finally the management of business growth. This is the second in a series of three articles that we have called Fundamentals of Management.


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Fundamentos de gerencia aplicados a salud (Parte II)


  • Abstract 839
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  • AUDIO - RESUMEN (Español (España)) 40

How to Cite

Villavicencio-Caparó, E., Correa-Carrera, K., & Espín-Cazar, A. . G. (2022). Fundamentos de gerencia aplicados a salud ( PARTE II). Killkana Social, 6(1), 57–66.



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