What is interculturality? Reflections in the Ecuadorian context from the voices and visions of teachers.


  • Fausto Fabricio Quichimbo Saquichagua Universidad de Cuenca
  • María Eugenia Verdugo Guamán
  • Sandra Patricia Sánchez Jimbo
  • Poleth Alejandra Mendieta Sinche




Interculturality in Ecuador is inserted as a transcendental issue in different areas such as health, education and communication, among others; through the application of public policies. The educational system does not escape this reality, it constitutes a transversal axis, both at the level of basic education, high school and higher education. However, there are a series of approaches around the concept of interculturality that causes its applicability to be carried out from the perspective of the person who states it and its context. On the one hand, it is related to bilingual education, peoples and nationalities; on the other hand, with migratory movements. The objective of the study was to identify the different voices and visions that teachers have about interculturality. The study was carried out under a qualitative interpretive approach of a hermeneutical nature. Semi-structured interviews were applied to teachers of the bilingual national and intercultural educational system from different territories of the country. The main finding is related to the problem of its definition and polysemy of meanings that are articulated to concepts of identity, culture and knowledge. As well as respect, tolerance, interaction and difference. The 2008 Constitution and the Organic Law on Intercultural Education stand out as the main regulations on interculturality. Also, the need to reconceptualize the concept of interculturality, moving from a descriptive or prescriptive definition to a critical perspective. In this way, it becomes an emancipatory tool for the transformation of structures, institutions and social relations to build societies within the framework of equal opportunities.


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¿Qué es interculturalidad? Reflexiones en el contexto ecuatoriano a partir de las voces y visiones de los docentes.


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How to Cite

Quichimbo Saquichagua, F. F., Verdugo Guamán, M. E., Sánchez Jimbo , S. P. ., & Mendieta Sinche , P. A. (2022). What is interculturality? Reflections in the Ecuadorian context from the voices and visions of teachers. Killkana Social, 6(1), 35–46. https://doi.org/10.26871/killkanasocial.v6i1.1024