Cirugía Refractiva (CR) PPK y LASIK, experiencia en Cuenca Ecuador, enero 2015-julio 2017
Context: Refractive errors constitute 50% of vision impairment and 33% of avoidable blindness worldwide, affecting the lives of the patients who suffer from these conditions. The objective of CR is to modify the corneal curvature, changing its converging power, and improving visual quality. Ecuador does not have revealing studies on the effectiveness of CR by PRK and LASIK techniques. Objective: To determine the results of the femtosecond laser CR techniques through PRK and LASIK. Materials and Methods: Descriptive, retrospective, and cross-sectional study. The medical records of 87 patients (164 eyes), who were intervened using the PRK and LASIK techniques during the period January 2005 to June 2017, in the Exiláser Clinic in Cuenca, Ecuador; were analyzed. The data processing was performed using SPSS 22. Results: The highest frequency of refractive errors corresponded to those aged between 18 and 25 years (34.5%), where the female sex presented 60.9% of refractory errors. The most used CR technique was LASIK (65.2%). The most common ametropia was myopic astigmatism with 54.3%. After applying CR, there was an improvement in the values of the corneal curvature, in addition to the visual acuity, reaching values of 20/20 and 20/25 in 96.3%. Conclusions: CR is a therapeutic option that provides positive results, generating a psychosocial change in people, providing them with a better quality of life, and achieving visual acuity of 20/20.
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