Vehicular traffic simulator using the LWR macroscopic mathematical model

Vehicular traffic simulator using the LWR macroscopic mathematical model


  • Ángel Gustavo Moyolema Chaglla
  • Eduardo Toscano Guerrero
  • Byron Miguel Toalombo Rojas
  • Revista Killkana Universidad Católica de Cuenca



Currently, there are thousands of companies competing for the initiative in the technologic framework and their available resources to ensure that the market will always be solvent to meet their needs. Thus, strategies are applied at the national and local levels, to improve the companies' growth, by applying new processes in their policies, enhancing the development of acrylic fiber items commercialization. The inconveniences that affect the companies force them to find alternative solutions. By specifically dealing with the inventories as an essential capital solution found in the assets, which entail high administrative personnel and materials costs, and warehouse storage space, which necessarily require practical answers in order to balance the variables: customer and product rotation. The current research incorporates a multi-criteria mathematical model by developing a software that combines the C# programming language and the MATLAB computer package. This model will solve the inventory problem concerning orders of the highest demand products in the local and national market; thus, optimizing resources and finding a balanced solution for product rotation within an accurate inventory. The mathematical model is based on the "ABC" multi-criteria inventory analysis that combines marketing variables.


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  • Abstract 227
  • PDF (Español (España)) 359
  • HTML (Español (España)) 11

How to Cite

Moyolema Chaglla Ángel G, Toscano Guerrero E, Toalombo Rojas BM, Killkana R. Vehicular traffic simulator using the LWR macroscopic mathematical model: Vehicular traffic simulator using the LWR macroscopic mathematical model. tecnica [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 21 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];5(1):19-32. Available from:



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