Mobbing or moral harassment at work: the case of Ecuador


  • Marcela Paz Sánchez Sarmiento Universidad Católica de Cuenca Cuenca



This article analyzes the mobbing or moral harassment, from an avant-garde perspective, focused on the eld of the
Ecuadorian labor law, through a research on the elements, individuals and characteristics; in order to contribute with
ideas and conclusions about this current and highly important issue. Given the lack of mobbing regulations in our
legislation; we will try to justify the importance of its normative, in accordance with the advance demanded by the
Ecuadorian Constitution, which should be a specifically regulated aspect as it currently represents a threat against
principles and constitutional rights like those of freedom, dignity and non-discrimination. This regulatory gap in our
legal system, mobbing or moral harassment, allows a series of abuses that trigger conicts which transcend the workplace,
affecting the individual in their integrity, honor, mental and spiritual health. Being these, inherent rights to their quality
status as a person, they compromise even the family and the environment in which the individual interacts. This is why it
is imperative that this topic be analyzed and studied.


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  • Abstract 298
  • pdf (Español (España)) 182
  • EPUB (Español (España)) 25
  • AUDIO ESPAÑOL (Español (España)) 34

How to Cite

Sánchez Sarmiento, M. P. (2017). Mobbing or moral harassment at work: the case of Ecuador. Killkana Social, 1(1), 1–10.



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