Human Rights' Guarantee of Disabled People in the Canton Azogues, Cañar Province, Ecuador.


  • Luis Bolívar Marín-Carangui Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador
  • María Augusta Torres-Rodas Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador



The human rights of disabled people are explicitly guaranteed in the Constitution, international agreements, treaties and other internal legislation; despite this, comprehensive protection for this priority group is not fulfilled by the State, society and family. This situation is the result of the lack of or failure to implement public policies, thus violating fundamental rights in terms of protection, defence and rigorousness, and affecting the quality of life, especially of the people who have some disability. The research was conducted in coordination with the Rights Protection Cantonal Council of the Azogues Canton, the Foundation for Human Development and the Catholic University of Cuenca, Azogues seat. It is based on the hypothesis that by knowing about the human and social rights of disabled people and their local reality; public policies can be created in a participatory manner to respond to rights' violation, by implementing plans, programs and projects executed by different institutions which are duly articulated. The objective is: "To determine compliance with the human rights guarantee of the disabled people in the Canton of Azogues in the Province of Cañar. For the present study, secondary or bibliographic and technical data collection sources such as observation, interviews and surveys were examined with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The results show that the priority groups' rights are being violated in the different parishes of canton, which is due to social, political, and economic issues. The lack of control and monitoring mechanisms in the implementation of public policies restricts the exercise and fulfilment of this priority group's fundamental rights.


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  • Abstract 280
  • pdf (Español (España)) 204

How to Cite

Marín-Carangui, L. B., & Torres-Rodas, M. A. (2020). Human Rights’ Guarantee of Disabled People in the Canton Azogues, Cañar Province, Ecuador. Killkana Social, 4(1), 21–28.



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