Didactic strategies of Physical Education to develop motivation in School Education students


  • Julio Luis Peñafiel-Álvarez Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Sergio Constantino Ochoa-Encalada Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Diego Andrés Heredia-León Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador




The purpose of this research is to provide Physical Education teachers with the techniques, strategies, teaching styles, motivation that the teacher must know and put into practice in their daily activities when teaching, in order for their students to leave. of the routine, do not fall into boredom and contribution to the development of integral training, in the cognitive, affective, social and emotional parameters of autonomy that allows them to make decisions within the learning process and social practice. The design is of bibliographic type, it is known that children and young people perform physical activity in many cases by the mandatory teacher to the execution of a single type of exercise or some game that does not arouse greater interest, without having fun or relaxing and worse still feeling part of the group or worry about their health, should take into account that motivation is essential within academic spaces, the use of favorable strategies so that they can generate changes in the conduct of the study, otherwise the treatment of this discipline Sports will be determined by complying with the thought and the established schedule, as it has been taking place in most of the educational centers, which in many cases does not work a professional of the branch but teachers who do not have scientific training and who are totally improvising, generating in the student apathy and disinterest in the subject.


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How to Cite

Peñafiel-Álvarez, J. L., Ochoa-Encalada, S. C., & Heredia-León, D. A. (2020). Didactic strategies of Physical Education to develop motivation in School Education students. Killkana Social, 4(2), 61–66. https://doi.org/10.26871/killkanasocial.v4i2.615



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