Interactivity - interaction on Digital Terrestrial Television


  • Carlos Antonio Valverde-Lojano Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador



The consumer of television content is important from the moment the message starts to be produced. It is the audience itself, the one who decides whether or not to stay with the message or simply change channel. In the new technologies of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT), the producer of audiovisual content and television media must first think about audiences to prepare their interactive content, i.e., go beyond just showing an audiovisual product. But to show content where the interaction (relationship between channel and audience), is the priority for the user, where it handles hidden messages or in the background, but no less important. The scope of research is to specify what is its role in the new DTT technologies, which is the interactivity and interaction while the user (audience) watches television. Currently, Interaction from reception has been used to refer to interactive technologies and services that share. In a simple way, interaction in television is defined as the offer of content through a transmission medium that has a return channel and interactivity is the simple fact of handling the remote control, but this goes beyond simple concepts.


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  • Abstract 161
  • PDF (Español (España)) 129

How to Cite

Valverde-Lojano, C. A. (2020). Interactivity - interaction on Digital Terrestrial Television. Killkana Social, 4(2), 19–24.



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