The technological innovation product of the R + D + I as strategy for the development of family enterprises of the carrocera industry of Tungurahua


  • Eufemia Alejandrina Ramos-Viteri Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Ecuador



A technological innovation arises after the use of technology as a means to introduce a change in the company, both to products and processes. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to determine the link between technological innovation and the development of family businesses in the car industry. For this, the methodology used is given under a quantitative approach, the same that allowed through the collection of information to obtain historical data as regards the income and costs of each of the companies under study (ALME, MAMBUS, IMPA, IMPEDEPSA, PILLAPA). Likewise, a bibliographical investigation was carried out with the purpose of sustaining theoretically each one of the variables immersed in the study (technological innovation and business development). In relation to the scope, it was exploratory in nature since there are no similar studies in the province's body sector. With this background, among the main results found, it was determined that during the last years each of the companies evaluated allocated resources for the acquisition of new specific technologies for each type of bus (interprovincial bus, type bus and school bus) with which There was a considerable decrease in total costs per company which allowed estimating the benefits at the sector level for the different years.


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  • Abstract 237
  • pdf (Español (España)) 189

How to Cite

Ramos-Viteri, E. A. (2020). The technological innovation product of the R + D + I as strategy for the development of family enterprises of the carrocera industry of Tungurahua. Killkana Social, 4(1), 33–42.



Bibliographic revision articles