Analysis of the proposed design of the City Brand for Manta




Manta, is a city of the country Ecuador, located in South America that during its cantonization years does not have a city brand, which is so necessary in these times of globalization, that is why this article shows from the semiotic communicational point of view an analysis design proposal that is based on extensive research as part of a university project, the same that applies different research methods and techniques, including focus groups and surveys that served to know which are the representative icons of the city, its colors and shapes that characterize it so that based on a design a brand for Manta is fertilized that identifies a population with more than 200 thousand inhabitants. The research is also based on theorists that link communication, advertising, marketing and other aspects that converge with each other. The Manteña chair, a symbol positioned in the minds of the Mantes, stands out as a reference when it comes to building a brand idea.


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  • Abstract 261
  • pdf (Español (España)) 189

How to Cite

Vélez-Bermello, G. L. (2019). Analysis of the proposed design of the City Brand for Manta. Killkana Social, 3(3), 33–38.



Original articles