Tourist information of four communities of Pedro Pablo Gómez, Jipijapa, Manabí, Ecuador
The Information’s systematization allows knowing and understanding data in an efficient way. The objective of this investigation was to collect touristic information of the following communities San Jacinto, La Línea, La Cabuya, La Curia in Pedro Pablo Gómez, Jipijapa. In addition, stakeholders were identified and the tools used to gather data were surveys, observation and exploration of the tourism sector were conducted. Ecologic, anthropologic and economic information was obtained from the communities. The importance of the stakeholders was determined, according to the importance they represent, their role taken in tourism field, and the main contribution in the communities. In this way, it can be socialize the information to the representatives and habitants of the communities, so, this investigation can also be used by the leaders of the communities where the study was taken in order to be implemented for touristic developments of their places.
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- Abstract 161
- pdf (Español (España)) 224
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