Systematization of institutional communication in university media, UCACUE case


  • Fabián Vladimir Argudo-Palomeque Universidad Católica de Cuenca



The research arises from the Organizational Communication as an interdisciplinary corpus that combines both, Higher Education and the Catholic University of Cuenca (UCACUE, in Spanish) with the optimization and correct usage of their own media. This document dialogues with Institutional Communication Policies. Barbero claims that the non-declarative gap between the University and the Society has been deepened in the continent, which forces all Higher Education Institutions (HEI) to reconsider what they are doing. This work focuses on the construction of a theoretical, methodological, and practical proposal that will sustain the institutional communication of university media; in the case of UCACUE, in its media Ondas Cañaris radio, Telecuenca, and its own digital media. It is important to recognize the communication practices and processes in the UCACUE media, in order to understand their extent and influence in society, and at the same time, to inquire into their problems. This proposal is important because UCACUE is located significantly within the country. On the other hand, inside and outside the institution organizational information processes are created in order to enhance its reputation.


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  • Abstract 131
  • pdf (Español (España)) 150

How to Cite

Argudo-Palomeque, F. V. (2019). Systematization of institutional communication in university media, UCACUE case. Killkana Social, 3(3), 17–24.



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