Distance Education Processes: Towards the Construction of Integral and Inclusive Processes in Ecuador


  • Giancarlo Giorgio De-Agostini-Solines Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Frank Viteri Universidad Central del Ecuador http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3126-4781
  • Marco Yamba-Yugsi Universidad Católica de Cuenca




Throughout this paper, we analyze the educational distance processes from the contextualization of such processes, in order to meet the needs of the beneficiaries, analyzing the categories of quality, relevance and social justice in the distance educational system.

The main theme is to rethink these educational processes, not as an extension of the formal system (ptp), but as an independent form that meets the vulnerable student needs. And although we may use formal educational categories, these should be adapted to the characteristics of the population to which it is addressed.


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Author Biography

Giancarlo Giorgio De-Agostini-Solines, Universidad Católica de Cuenca



1972-1997 (Venezuela)


He served as Professor with Tenure at Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB), Caracas, Venezuela, at the Mathematics and Computer Science department.


Additionally, to his teaching assignment, during that period, he also worked as:


Director (founder) Computing Center

Director Central Library (8000 m²)

University Registrar

Director Central Archives

Director (founder) Graduate program in Educational Informatics

Director Multimedia Center

Director University´s Educational Television


1997-1999 Work realized in other universities: USR (Universidad Simón Rodríguez) Technology Director; UNIMET (Universidad Metropolitana) forming their future “on line” professors.


1999-present (Ecuador)


Professor at the following universities:


UDLA – Universidad de las Américas (full time undergraduate)

UASB -  Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (full time graduate school)

FLACSO – Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (half time graduate school)

President and CEO at FUVIA.org (e-Learning foundation).

CIO at CVI.edu.ec (totally online High School for vulnerable students)

IAEN – Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales, full time graduate school Professor and Director of e-Learning multimedia production and innovation center.

Universidad Católica de Cuenca (full time Professor and Director of e-Learning multimedia production (at present).






Notre Dame High School, Rome, Italy; BSEE (Electrical Engineering) and MSICS (Master of Science in Information and Computer Science) both at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Ga. Tech.), Atlanta, Georgia. Complete doctoral studies in Andragogy at Universidad Simón Rodríguez, Caracas; PDCDE University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin (Professional eLearning Certificate); e-Learning facilitator at Dynamind, Australia.

He obtained his Ph.D. in Education at Atlantic International University, Miami, Florida.





During several years he was UNESCO-ROSTLAC consultant. Conferences and workshops in Educational Technology at various institutions and public and private universities in: Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, France, England, México, Namibia, Panamá, Peru, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Dominican Republican, Uruguay and Venezuela.


He worked as Professor in Mathematics, Computer Science, Electronics and e-Learning consultant. Over 30 published materials and more than a dozen educational socio-cultural university projects: Computer programming via audiovisuals, MATH 100 – personalized studies, Informatics for all, among others. He designed graduate programs in Educational Technology (USB), Online Teaching, and Learning Online (UASB). Pedagogical and technological complete development and implementation of a totally online High School “Iberoamericano” with total approval by the Secretary of Education oriented to vulnerable adult students and minorities through scholarships – This Project obtained the Stockholm 2008-2009 prize for the effective use of ICT in support of Education and the first Japanese prize to the most innovating project (MIDP) at Kuwait, 2009.


Additionally, He implemented several educational online developments in different universities in Ecuador such as:  FLACSO, UASB, IAEN, CIESPAL-SENESCYT and the National Police. An invitation was received from UNESCO to participate in the “Workshop to review and enhance the use of ICT in Education, Windhoek, Namibia, 12 – 15 November 2007, NAMCOL Center.


He served as Coordinator (ad honorem) of the CONESUP team to prepare national norms to regulate the online education. He holds posts as President (ad honorem) at UVIA foundation (non for profit), Secretary and Treasurer (ad honorem) at InfoDesarrollo Network. Course design experience with eLearning platforms such as: MOODLE, WebCT, Blackboard, edX, UV, Competir and Canvas, among others.


Languages: English, Italian, Spanish.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2886-0294


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  • Abstract 494
  • pdf (Español (España)) 156

How to Cite

De-Agostini-Solines, G. G., Viteri, F., & Yamba-Yugsi, M. (2019). Distance Education Processes: Towards the Construction of Integral and Inclusive Processes in Ecuador. Killkana Social, 3(2), 65–72. https://doi.org/10.26871/killkanasocial.v3i2.420



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