The updating of the preparation of the tour guide for the interpretation of heritage


  • Naima Pino-Urias Universidad Central de Las Villas



Currently, the development of tourism in Cuba demands the constant preparation of human resources, the improvement of their skills for their professional performance, especially the tourism guide, so this essay deals with the meaning of overcoming directed to the interpretation of heritage. This is formed through the undergraduate curriculum in the universities of the country, but it is necessary to guarantee postgraduate training from strategies that update knowledge and skills in this specialty of tourism. given the relief that heritage reaches in the offers offered by tourism in our country. For the achievement of such purposes, the MINTUR, since 2006, established the regulation for the policy of training and training of human resources through the Vocational Training System for Tourism as the person in charge of carrying out the training and overcoming activities. of the sector.


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Author Biography

Naima Pino-Urias, Universidad Central de Las Villas

MSc. Profesora de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Central ‘marta Abre” de Las Villas, Cuba. Aspirante a Ph.D.


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  • Abstract 184
  • pdf (Español (España)) 142
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  • Audio Español (Español (España)) 45

How to Cite

Pino-Urias, N. (2018). The updating of the preparation of the tour guide for the interpretation of heritage. Killkana Social, 2(4), 63–68.



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