Adolescence and family dysfunction: analysis from the migration of parents


  • Sandra Jackeline Urgilés León Universidad Católica de Cuenca.
  • Nancy Yolanda Fernández Aucapiña Universidad Católica de Cuenca.



Migration brings with it a multiplicity of complex scenarios, giving rise to different problems such as family dysfunction especially in the life cycle of adolescence and being a critical stage generates alterations with members that comprise it; this problem is due to the inappropriate or immature behavior of one of the parents, the individuality and the ability to relate to the family, therefore the psychological and emotional stability of the parents is fundamental for the good relations of the family, considering dysfunction as sick emotional, psychological and spiritual members. In addition to being linked by ties of consanguinity where roles are defined according to their ages and abilities. The family is considered the first context of socialization where it is united by expressions of affection and psycho social protection, being a basic institution of society establishes the insertion of the individual in the culture, it is also the only social entity that has been present for centuries . The general objective of the research was to determine how the migration of the parents affects the adolescent children, where the quantitative method that explained through the variables the family relationship with the migrant father was used, their indicators established to verify this problem; the study was carried out with a sample in five educational units located in the rural parishes of the Province of Azuay. As results, it was evidenced that the greater percentage of those who migrate correspond to the father, with respect to its temporality the migration corresponds to five years and more, the migrant limits the relations with his adolescent children. As a conclusion of the study, there was an absence of communication between the adolescent and the migrant father, generating bad relationships between family members.


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  • Abstract 549
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How to Cite

Urgilés León, S. J., & Fernández Aucapiña, N. Y. (2018). Adolescence and family dysfunction: analysis from the migration of parents. Killkana Social, 2(3), 197–202.



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