Museums and Communication Technologies in Cuenca


  • Brígida Ximena San Martín García Diario El Mercurio
  • Édgar Vicente Cordero Coellar Universidad Católica de Cuenca.



The Technologies and the internet have changed the model of action within the museum field. Interconnected museums, interactive museums, information and communication technologies, Tics, transforms contact with the public. Some museums and cultural centers of the Basin incorporate new strategies of virtual communication supported by web 2.0 platforms and with applications that allow greater interactivity and interconnection. The Museums and Cultural Centers bet on these platforms for the highest level of access to public and interaction with cultural centers anywhere in the world. Investigate the processes of dissemination of information discourses of these spaces, requires a direct relationship with the activity of each of them, become a follower of their social network accounts and maintain dialogues with managers, actors and cultural managers that give life to these spaces.


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  • Abstract 144
  • pdf (Español (España)) 152
  • epub (Español (España)) 16
  • Audio Español (Español (España)) 20

How to Cite

San Martín García, B. X., & Cordero Coellar, Édgar V. (2018). Museums and Communication Technologies in Cuenca. Killkana Social, 2(3), 171–178.



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