Relationship between Productivity and Income in the Macanero Sector of the Canton of Gualaceo, Province of Azuay


  • Gabriela Amoroso Castro Universidad Católica de Cuenca.
  • María Elena Calle Calle Universidad Católica de Cuenca.
  • Mónica Rosales Namicela Universidad Católica de Cuenca.



This research was conducted, giving continuity to an analysis, in which related variables income and marketing channels of macaneros craftsmen; considering that the revenue that perceive, does not correspond to the effort, time of dedication, added value, transfer of intergenerational, ancestral knowledge among others. addressed the issue with the aim of analyzing the relationship between productivity and revenues generated by the craft of the tissue of the parishes of Bullcay and Bullzhún of the canton Gualaceo macanas; It is located in the province of Guayas - Ecuador. Is part of the research line of the social economy and solidarity, with non-experimental quantitative approach - cross-sectional and descriptive, because it analyzes the relationship between the variables of productivity and revenue associated with the age of 36 macaneros craftsmen considered as universe of study and dedication to the activity time. Among the main results demonstrated that the index of Pearson correlation between the age of the craftsmen and the number of units produced is very weak as ρ = - 0,182. The productivity index is 0.043 ud/h, equivalent to the production of 7 clubs per month that generates a monthly income of 238 USD, less than a unified basic salary. The productivity index retrieved reflects the reality of the sector that develops a manual craft activity that demands more time dedication and there is recognition of the value of intangible knowledge and culture, in monetary terms in the market.


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How to Cite

Amoroso Castro, G., Calle Calle, M. E., & Rosales Namicela, M. (2018). Relationship between Productivity and Income in the Macanero Sector of the Canton of Gualaceo, Province of Azuay. Killkana Social, 2(3), 161–170.



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