The intellectual capital in the leather and footwear cluster of the Province of Tungurahua


  • Juan Carlos Erazo Álvarez Universidad Católica de Cuenca.



The intellectual capital is the set of intangible contributions that becomes one of the most important companies assets into the information age.  It is necessary to identify the intangible elements that can create value in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. This research identified as scientific problem the need to characterize the intellectual capital in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises of the leather and footwear clusters in Tungurahua. The main goal was to identify elements of success that contribute to design a kind of methodology for the management of intellectual capital in the aforementioned clusters.  It concludes that the characterization of intellectual capital allowed to realize different aspects: the recognition of the main strengths, the weaknesses, and the possible areas of improvement; the integration obtained from the business activity in the leather and footwear fields to the focus areas of intellectual capital; and the identification of elements that generate value for the organization.



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  • Abstract 208
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How to Cite

Erazo Álvarez, J. C. (2018). The intellectual capital in the leather and footwear cluster of the Province of Tungurahua. Killkana Social, 2(3), 109–114.



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