Anaerobic biological treatments of organic waste as an alternative for energy sustainability in Andean areas - Ecuador
Energy sustainability is a question that draws attention worldwide and is increasingly a target of priority research. Public and private companies, investors and non-profit organizations have concluded that the best options for generating energy, with high efficiency, low cost and reduced environmental impacts. Within this network of analysis, the generation of electrical energy through the use of biogas - methane as a fuel product of an anaerobic digestion of organic waste is an interesting alternative for energy sustainability in Andean areas. This research presents the perspectives, questions and challenges posed by this energy alternative from an economic and environmental point of view, for which the results of the simulations of electric generation are used from controlled anaerobic digestion processes. of an analysis of this technology as a tool for sustainable development in the study areas. The preliminary results show the efficiency of this technology with a high investment cost that can be recovered over time, provide solutions for organic waste management, energy efficiency, income from energy sales, positive environmental impacts and development based on a closed cycle in which you can talk about sustainability.
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- Abstract 213
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